Thursday, March 20, 2008


i have absolutely no idea what to write, but i just got yelled at for not posting in some time. so, i might be ranging into the realm of TMI. here goes: i have explosive diarrhea right now. okay, i'm done with the TMI.

so, i don't want to sound paranoid or anything, but is anyone even reading my blog? after all, i posted that hilarious section about dog and cat diaries, and not one person said anything. granted, i don't know what you'd say, but i thought you all would appreciate it. and maybe you did. maybe you're being the silent, stoic types, i don't know. i just know that i have gotten one comment the entire blog and it was from eric on my first entry. i'm getting pretty jealous of the people i comment on. anyway, if you're reading this, just know that i want you to read it. that is the point of the blog. and if you are but you haven't commented, that's okay, i'm just paranoid and wanted to make this statement. i appreciate your reading.

see you all later!


Aaron McClaskey said...

foremost, i feel i should give you credit for transitioning seamlessly from explosive diarrhea to the meaning of your blog.

i can assure you josh and i are keeping tabs on you. those clicks in your phoneline? that'd be us.

silent, stoic types we may be.

step softly,

yesterdaysfade said...

We have established a special connection through Buffy, and I respect it immensely.

And I will read your blog consistently.


Travis said...

I don't read your blog