Monday, February 25, 2008

My Love

you guys should read what he wrote. he's wonderful! however, you'd have to ask him for a copy. i finally had a chance to edit some of his work from a hard copy. trust me, i can do major things on a hard copy. just ask eric. if i'd had a red pen, it would have looked like he failed. but, all criticism is constructive. i really enjoyed getting into the nitty-gritty details. eric has a problem with with hes and hims getting confusing, for instance. please guys, send me a copy of your writing, i can print it off and really give you feedback.

on a totally different note, hopefully soon i will have long nails! you all know how badly i bite my nails. well, i want to walgreens and got a nail polish that nourishes and promotes growth ($2.59) and a product called "thum" that helps people stop biting their nails and children stop sucking their thumbs. i can name all the ingredients involved in thum: cayenne pepper, citric acid, isopropyl alcohol, and laquer. all i can taste is cayenne pepper when i put a finger in my mouth. not so fun when i go to get sleep out of my eye or pick my nose (right now my nose is burning because i had to pick it). i can't wait to have long nails for once!

until later, keighdee

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